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English Countryside Series

Sunshine on Oak

41cm x 29cm


Machine embroided on cotton with velvet, silk, wool, organza,and recycled plastic. 

Inspired by the woodlands of southern England. Part of "English Countryside" series







Forest Pathways


25cm x 28cm


Randomly hand dyed silk with free machine embroidery using silk, threads and wool.

Part of "English Countryside" series.



















41cm x 29cm


Randomly hand dyed silk, beads, cotton, and paper.

Machine embroidery. Inspired by rough and wild nature of southern England.

Part of English Countryside series.
















Girl in the Field


20cm x 25cm


Randomly hand dyed silk with machine embroidery depicting the field in flower in May.

Part of the "English Countryside" series.


150 GBP 













The Wall


68cm x 44cm


As mounted on hand made Thai paper, 3 small depictions of country walls in England.

Hand embroidery worked on a hessian background with recycled plastic and real leaves.

Part of "English Countryside" series.












Woodland Walk

Free machine embroidery on hessian

background, from a sketch done in 

Sussex, England.


22cm x 18cm



110 GBP 













Birch Trees


Free machine embroidery on slub silk and hand printed paper.

Based on a sketch of Sussex woodland.


21cm x 19cm


110 GBP 












Looking Through


Wall hanging made from hand-procion dyed cotton with machine embroidery embellished with ribbon and beads.


50cm x 37cm


200 GBP 












Northern Winter


Hessian mounted on silk sateen, machine embroided with paper and natural objects.

The dry stone walls of the North of England are built without cement. Women's various tasks are on the land, in the home and family and are the invisible bond which holds society together.


65cm x 24cm


200 GBP 

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